Using the fundraising platform to raise funds for development business

Afzal’s Success Crowdfunding Story: Let’s Support His Business!

This is a true success story about a young entrepreneur, Syed Mohd Afzal from Melaka, Malaysia has been using a crowdfunding method to grow his business. After receiving support from his friends at Airtripp Funding, he has succeeded in expanding his business.


5 kinds of Taiwan crowdfunding platforms

5 kinds of Taiwan crowdfunding platforms. As a sponsoring and sponsoring media, the crowdfunding platform has sprung up in Taiwan in recent years.

crowdfunding platforms in South East Asia

2 minutes to learn about crowdfunding platforms in South East Asia

Recently the word “crowdfunding” is familiar in our ears and often appeared in several sites. Now to learn about crowdfunding platforms in south east asia.

Crowdfunding For Animal

Airtripp crowdfunding case: We Want To Crowdfunding For Animal Shelter

A group want to crowfunding for animal shelter in Langkawi. They want to make a difference in the way animals are treated and their welfare in shelter homes.

Airtripp crowdfunding case

Airtripp crowdfunding case: Shoot A Social Experiment

Jeines’s Success Crowdfunding Story: A Trip To Shoot A Social Experiment. This story begins with youtuber video.