Ahmad Success Story: I Need To Pay A Cataract Surgery For My Mother

This is a true success story about Ahmad from Seran, Indonesia has managed to help his mother get cataract surgery after making crowdfunding that was provided on Airtripp Funding. This success come from the support of his friends at Airtripp Funding.

It’s been seven years since her mother is suffering from a cataract. A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens, which lies behind the iris and the pupil. She can’t see well due to her condition which she is suffering other symptoms in her eyes like pain and itching. She tried to use herbal medicine before this but it hadn’t any effect. He really wants to help her mother to get cataract surgery.

Furthermore, Ahmad is working as security staff and his monthly income is $ 190. He and her father are supporting together the whole family that includes three students. As they need to pay for their school fees, they don’t have any left money to bring her mother to the hospital for the treatment of cataract surgery.

His doctors has told them that his mother’s cataract can only be treated with a surgery. They can’t afford it as they do not have a health insurance that covers the cost of the surgery. He said, if her mother could undergo this surgery immediately, the probability of her illness to cure is very high.

However, the hospital they want to go to is in Banten district which is two hours from their home. He only had $ 50 savings and he needs more to get the support of his friends at Airtripp Funding. He said his mother had been suffering long time from cataracts. So he really wants to help her mother to recover her eyes so she can see clearly in the future.

Finally as a result of the support of his friends at Airtripp Funding, he has managed to earn $ 235.00. He was very grateful and thankful to the donors around the world who helped him to make his dream come true to help his mother get cataract surgery. Hopefully, his mother is given better health in the future.

If you also have a delayed project cause don’t get enough money, you can try crowdfunding that was provided on Airtripp Funding. So do not forget to share this article with your friends who might gain benefit from it on Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Click here for his project!

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